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Assorted Box of 2:1 Coloured Heatshrink Mix

AT131Assorted Box of 2:1 Coloured Heatshrink Mix


  Assorted Box of 2:1 Coloured Heatshrink Mix.  UL approved. UL 224 VW-1. Contains: 300…

Assorted Box of 2:1 Heatshrink Mix

AT129Assorted Box of 2:1 Heatshrink Mix


  Assorted Box of 2:1 Heatshrink Mix. UL approved. UL 224 VW-1. Contains: 360 pieces 1.6m…

Assorted Box of 3:1 Adhesive Lined Heatshrink Mix

AT130Assorted Box of 3:1 Adhesive Lined Heatshrink Mix


  Assorted Box of 3:1 Heatshrink Mix. (adhesive Lined) UL approved. UL 224 VW-1. Contains…

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